"Seek the Solution with Inner Insight."

 Hypnosis And Personal Transformation

Harness the power of personal transformation through hypnosis and other tools for paradigm shifts. Through effective guidance from an expert, you can make changes rapidly to achieve your goals. By tapping into the subconscious with hypnosis, you can replace old, unhealthy habits with new ways of living. Don't let obstacles hold you back! Move forward to the life you want- without fear, regret, and remorse. By integrating powerful tools offered at the Inner Insight Institute, you can find meaning, insight, and a new way of being you!

On this website, Lucius will tell you a bit about hypnotherapy and his other practices that may support your personal journey.


Addictions can come in many different forms. Whether it is food, gambling, drugs, alcohol or something else, give yourself a break and get the help you need. Family and friends also need support with navigating their own fears, hurts and emotional needs. Inner Insight Institute works with the full spectrum of addiction and recovery support.

How Lucius Can Help....

Schedule your free 20-minute consultation here.

Fears and Phobias

Fears and phobias can be paralyzing. Fears are when a situation is natural but there is great anxiety surrounding the situation or task. Phobias are when extreme fear arises around a situation or task that is usually considered to be mundane. Both fear and phobias are real conditions that need attention and can be supported through coaching and hypnosis. Some examples of areas that Lucius addresses are:

Schedule your free 20-minute consultation here.


Anxiety can manifest in many different ways. With a sense of insecurity, a person can feel a sense of fear, frustration, and shame. However, anxiety needs no longer be debilitating. Below are some areas Lucius addresses:

Schedule your free 20-minute consultation here.


When the game is on the line, you need to be able to perform. Whether you are looking to deal with a problem you are having or are wanting to go to the next level in your performance, we can work to achieve your goals.

How Lucius Can Help....

Schedule your free 20-minute consultation here.

Smoking Cessation

One of the most common issues that people seek hypnosis for is smoking cessation. Without hypnosis smoking cessation can seem insurmountable. However, by tapping into the subconscious, we can more easily change these associations.

How Lucius Can Help....

Schedule your free 20-minute consultation here.

Spirituality and Creativity

Our inner life rarely gets the attention it needs. Lucius has been navigating spirituality personally most of his life. With a desire to understand the nature of existence at a very young age, Lucius began his journey that continues today. As Lucius became an adult he started his formal training. He got a degree in Comparative Religious Studies, was initiated into an ancient yogic tradition and followed the path offered by many traditions. Lucius is skilled at supporting people in connecting and getting re-established with Purpose through whatever approach a person currently needs (spiritual, religious, questioning, secular). Some areas that Lucius covers are:

Schedule your free 20-minute consultation here.

Weight Loss

One of the most common issues that people seek hypnosis for is weight loss. Without hypnosis weight loss can seem insurmountable. However, by tapping into the subconscious, we can more easily change these associations.

How Lucius Can Help....

Schedule your free 20-minute consultation here.